Our Relationship To Social Media

Breanna social media post

Something that has been coming through strongly for me lately is the relationship we have with
social media. It truly does not tell the full story, and because we see a person’s online presence does
not give us a rich insight into their life or who they actually are.

We delicately depict what we show virtually and how we are portrayed, which is not real life.
If someone photographs their healthy meals for a day, our own mind will draw conclusions based
upon our viewing. What we are not seeing are the moments in between that lunch and dinner, the
snacks eaten in between, the cigarettes…or whatever else.

We might see someone who always looks perfectly rested and having leisure time, but we are not
seeing the hours of work they completed that day and the overwhelm they could actually be
experiencing. Social media is not the full story and we have to train ourselves to believe that. We can
use it to inspire, to laugh, connect, grow; whatever else, but we cannot use it to answer deeper
questions. It cannot live up to that.

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