Our lives are more peaceful and more fulfilling when we listen to the inner wisdom that we hold within.
Our bodies, minds, and hearts are brilliant. We have the power to heal in ways that may seem unimaginable.
Breanna specializes in supporting individuals on their journey of authentic transformation and empowered healing. She does this through Skilled, Intuitive, and Somatic Based Massage, Reiki, Yoga,
and Sound Healing.
Through her compassionate and keen approach, Breanna creates a safe and warm container for individuals to explore the depths of themselves and drop into the true nature of who they are.
“I allow each individual to set their own goals + intentions when entering into our work together. I will not heal you, but rather I will walk right next to you- offering encouragement, empowerment, and light, while you heal yourself. I love witnessing people-in a sense-come alive as they begin to overcome, heal, and develop new belief systems, practices, mindfulness, and compassion towards the wholness of who they are.“

Our body is a mere reflection of all that we are carrying within. Our thoughts, feelings, energetic pathways, habits, relationships, and essentially everything else. This frame of reference is at the heart of my work. Through a truly Holistic and Somatic approach, we find the threads of connection that will continue to propel you forward towards a life that is joyful, clear, and fulfilling. This is the result of living in alignment with who we are and all that we were meant to me- and the beautiful part about it is that it is never too late.
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